First Time With A Milf

You never thought it’d happen but it did. Life played a fast one on you and yup, you’re in love with a milf. You made the first move, hand on your chest, fingers crossed that she’ll play along and at the very least, accept to go out on a date with you. So far so good, things are going your way. Strangely though, you’ve never been on an actual date with a milf. Yes, you adore them – you’re in fact, an ardent follower of milfs on onlyfans. Your date with your milf is now fast approaching. You can’t help but feel anxious and it shows. Relax, everyone feels anxious. She could be anxious too only that she’s good at masking her anxiety and tension with a sexy smile. The following tips will go a long way to help you beat the anxiety.

She Already Knows The Deal

She Already Knows The Deal

Now, here’s the thing – your milf date already knows you want to get into her pants. She knows you want to get laid. So by all means, don’t pretend or try to pretend that you’re on a date with her for the sake of having a good time. She’s been where you are before, remember. She’s gone through many cycles and intrigues than you have. Your best bet is to therefore, go have a good time, enjoy a meal and pretty much see if you’re compatible with each other outside the bedroom. You’re actually going on a date because both of you foresee the future together. You want to date her, she wants to date you too. Talking over a meal is the best way to get to know each other. If it was all about sex, then you certainly wouldn’t need the dinner date.

You may have heard or read already that making assumptions when going out on a date is not a good thing. There’s some truth in that contemporary wisdom. Making assumptions and acting on assumptions is indeed a bad idea. Make no mistake though. In this case, you’re not making an assumption that she already knows what the deal is. You’re merely acknowledging a fact in a bid to ease tension before going out on a date. At some point during the date, you’ll have to voice out the deal.

Groom Well

Groom Well

It goes without saying that good grooming is the surest way to create a good impression. While that is true, it makes the whole idea of grooming all about the prospect. Have you ever thought though, that grooming is all about you too? Have you ever noticed too that grooming almost always inspires confidence? Sounds strange but it does. Remember the first date you went on then midway through it, it dawned on you that the shirt you wore wasn’t ironed well. The colour didn’t complement the coat as well as the shoes. Your confidence immediately took a nosedive the moment you noticed the wardrobe malfunction issues. You then became self-conscious. Flip the coin to the other side. You’re on a date, sharply dressed, smelling nice. You have nothing to worry about. You look great and you know it. She’s in fact, already complemented you. Your self-esteem is on the room and just like that, the conversation flows. Thumps up! You’ve made an impeccable first impression.

The Date Venue

The Date Venue

This may seem insignificant but it plays a huge role when going out on a date especially with a milf. If you’re generally confident, then you don’t have to worry about it. Take time to figure out where you’ll meet for the date. Whatever you choose, make sure you’ll be alone, away from prying eyes. Sitting with an older woman amidst other people can easily take a toll on your confidence. It may feel as if all eyes are fixed on you. You may then lower your voice, afraid that the people around you can hear your conversation. Have the date in private where you can talk freely.

Your Support System

Your Support System

This is exactly where the people within your social circle come into the picture. Talk to your trusted friend about the date. Mention that you’re anxious too. Be sure to open up to a friend you share the same values with otherwise you may end up feeling judged. As a matter of fact, be candid that the onlyfans cougar you both follow or know about is your prospect. Talking to your friend will allow you to get things off your chest and de-clutter your mind. Your friend may also share a different perspective on how you can handle and beat the anxiety.


Respect Onlyfans MILFs

Whatever happens and no matter how anxious you feel, remain respectful. Be keen with the words you use. Sure, your date is an onlyfansmilf and yes, out of all the milfs on onlyfans, you like her. That doesn’t mean in any way though that the other milfs don’t deserve respect. Note that many young people often use the word ‘milf’ alongside demeaning words like ‘bitch’, ‘slut’ or ‘whore’.


Complement Onlyfans MILFs

There’s something about complementing your date that makes it easy for one to relax. By all means, let your complement be the first thing you do immediately you sit and as you wait for your orders. Avoid usual and obvious complements like ‘You’re sexy’. Go the extra mile, do some quick thinking and come up with a unique complement. She has blue eyes? Well, guess what? Every other man she’s met has mentioned something about her eyes. Be the odd one out with a unique complement. You don’t have to try so hard. ‘Looks like you can see right through my soul with those eyes’. That’s one way to put it.

Go Slow On The Alcohol

Go Slow On The Alcohol

Alcohol on a date isn’t a bad idea. You know the consequences though when one bottle of beer or one glass of wine turns into two then three and before you know it, you’re drunk. For a first date, stay sober or at the very least, don’t imbibe to intoxication. You may have a good time and get drunk. How will you look at your date though, the next time you see each other? You don’t want to end up in an awkward situation where your date fears that you could be alcoholic. Remember that alcohol easily impairs judgement. You’ll most likely say things you didn’t mean while drunk. Be in control of not just your intake but hers as well.

Be Strategic With Your Questions

Be Strategic With Your Questions

One of the best ways to keep a conversation going is to ask your date questions about themselves. Be smart though on the questions you ask. Note that generally, people like to talk about their achievements especially if they are proud of what they have done. Your questions should therefore, be based on the positive. Your date could for instance, be the best mature onlyfans celebrity. Ask her what the achievement feels like. Have her talk about the challenges she’s had to overcome so as to retain the top spot.

Be sure to also through a few of your achievements in the mix. The idea here is to keep the conversation going. It is also to get to know you date. Remember you’re not competing on who has achieved more. In that regard, make it look like your date has achieved much more than you could ever have. It sounds cocky but it is another way of indirectly complementing your date.

Keep in mind that some questions are always sure to ruin a good date. Questions on religious and political affiliations can every easily slip into an argument. As such, don’t talk about them. Personal questions too on issues like body count are a big no.

Make Your Intensions Known

Make Your Intensions Known

Now this may not be about beating anxiety but it is nonetheless one of the most important issues to raise on a date. By the time you’re both heading home, you should be on the same page on what you intend to come out of the relationship you’re looking forward to. Is it all about sex? Are you down for an open relationship? Ask these questions and have them clarified to your satisfaction before making conclusions. That way, you can know for a fact what to do with each other.

Sex is always a sensitive issue, so be keen on how you go about it. She could be a milf on onlyfans but remember that she has feelings too. Respect her feelings on sex. She could be down to sex on the first date. Talk about that. She could also have agreed to show up for the date because she likes you. Like already said, she has seen it all already. There’s nothing new you can tell her. You should therefore, have an easy time asking her what her views on sex are.

Wrap Up

Milfs are fun. Going on a date with one though, for the first time can have you experience nauseating butterflies on your stomach. It isn’t easy but guess what, it is doable. A little confidence on any date always go a long way. So yeah, try as much as you can to be confident. Look good too, keep time and ask smart questions.  Good luck lad!

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